ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓ experts
Below is a list of experts on various topics at the UW in alphabetical order. Use the search bar to find people by name, expertise, department, etc. If you don’t see the topic or expert you’re looking for, please contact someone on our staff. For medical experts, see .
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Photo | Name | Title | Email / Phone | Expertise | |
Alexandra Anderson-Frey | Assistant professor, Atmospheric Sciences | Tornadoes and severe storms |
Christopher Adolph | Associate professor, Department of Political Science | Comparative political economy, public policy and administration |
economics |
Mika Ahuvia | Assistant professor, Jackson School of International Studies | Archaeology of the Middle East, especially related to ancient Judaism and Christianity |
archaeology |
Scott Allard | Professor, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance | Poverty and inequality, safety net policy and urban policy |
inequality |
Nara Almeida | Assistant teaching professor, Program of Civil Engineering, UW Tacoma | Concrete (both conventional and pervious concrete), using waste byproducts to manufacture construction materials, "green building" certifications (such as LEED), low-impact development strategies |
asphalt |
Gunnar Almgren | Professor emeritus, School of Social Work | Social welfare and health care policy; government health care systems; disparities in health and health care; poverty and inequality |
inequality |
Tim Althoff | Assistant professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering | data science, data mining, computational social science, social network analysis, natural language processing, applications to human health and well-being, industry consulting |
artificial intelligence |
Ernesto Alvarado | Research associate professor, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences | Forest fire ecology, fire management, prescribed fire, smoke emissions, climate change, tropical forestry, landscape, international forestry, modeling |
Cecilia Aragon | Professor, Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering | Human-centered data science; data visualization; visual analytics; human-computer interaction; data-intensive discovery; human-centered natural language processing. |
Aleksandr Aravkin | Associate Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics | COVID-19 modeling; mathematical and statistical analysis, and applications to natural, physical, and health sciences; optimization; machine learning and data science |
compartmental models |
Virginia Armbrust | Professor, School of Oceanography | Diatom genetics, DNA-based investigations of marine microbe communities |
Jennifer Atkinson | Associate Teaching Professor, UW Bothell | Emotional/psychological toll of climate change; climate grief and eco-anxiety; building hope and resilience |
climate change |
David Aucsmith | Senior Research Scientist, UW Applied Physics Laboratory | cybersecurity, especially for law enforcement or national security |
Elena Austin | Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences | Agricultural workforce health and safety, air pollution in schools, indoor air quality, jet pollution and effects on health, use of emerging technologies to improve occupational health |
Ryan Avery | Deputy director and senior research engineer, Washington State Transportation Center | Transportation, planning, demand modeling, incidents, public transit, travel behavior, data analysis for transportation, tolling, congestion & capacity |
bridges |
David Bachman | Professor and associate director, Jackson School of International Studies | Chinese politics, economics and foreign policy; U.S.-China relations; U.S. foreign policy in Asia |
politics and democracy |
Jared Baeten | Professor, Department of Global Health, Department of Epidemiology and Department of Medicine | Infectious disease physician, public health, global health, epidemiology |
Sylvia S. Bagley, Ph.D. | Assistant Teaching Professor of Equitable Instructional Leadership; Director, TLC Specialization in Instructional Leadership Masters | Instructional leadership; Teacher leadership; Professional development for teachers; Coaching and mentoring in schools (non-athletic); Holistic data use by teachers to inform instruction; Action research/practitioner research |
education |
Marissa Baker | Assistant professor, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences | Worker health and safety, worker health effects related to COVID-19, health effects of job displacement or job insecurity, occupational risks firefighters face and how that could be compounded during a pandemic, vulnerable workers, controls for worker protection |
firefighters |
Joel Baker | Science director, Center for Urban Waters | Transport of organic contaminants in the environment, oil spills and water contamination, particularly in urban environments. |
chemistry |
Jennifer Balkus | Assistant Professor, Epidemiology | Infectious diseases, sexual & reproductive health, social determinants of health |
Abortion |
Jeff Ban | Associate professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering | modeling, simulating and managing multimodal transportation systems to control congestion and reduce energy use and emissions |
Wendy Barrington | Associate Professor, Epidemiology; Associate Professor, Child, Family, and Population Health Nursing; Associate Professor, Health Systems and Population Health | anti-racist public health transformation, community engagement and partnerships, health equity, social determinants of health, social epidemiology, cancer disparities |
anti-racist healthcare |
Janet Baseman | Professor, Department of Epidemiology | Epidemiology, public health practice, public health surveillance, public health emergency preparedness and response systems |
David Battisti | Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences | Food security and climate change, geoengineering, long-term climate cycles |
Betty Bekemeier | Professor, School of Nursing | Local public health department practice, systems, workforce, and funding; public health practice strengths and needs in the wake of COVID-19 |
Emily M. Bender | Professor, Department of Linguistics | Natural language processing; ethics and natural language processing; fairness, transparency and accountability in natural language processing and AI more broadly; multilingual natural language processing |
George Bergantz | Professor, Department of Earth & Space Sciences | Volcanoes in the Pacific Northwest and elsewhere. Numerical modeling, lab experiments and field studies. |
volcanoes |
Carl Bergstrom | Professor, Department of Biology | Behavior, evolution and systematics, mathematical and computational biology |
Jeffrey Berman | Associate professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering | Steel structures; seismic design and blast considerations for steel structures |
Daniel Bessner | Associate professor, Jackson School of International Studies | U.S. foreign policy, national security |
Election 2024 |
Arbella Bet-Shlimon | Associate Professor, Department of History | modern Middle East history |
history |
Jessica L. Beyer | Assistant Teaching Professor, Jackson School of International Studies; Lead, JSIS Cybersecurity Initiative | Cybersecurity, cybersecurity policy/politics, international security, internet and politics, online communities, dis/misinformation |
Election 2024 |
Laada Bilaniuk | Professor, Department of Anthropology | Linguistic anthropology, language ideology, language politics, nationalism, popular culture, gender; Ukraine, post-Soviet states |
Ukraine |
Cecilia Bitz | Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences | Arctic sea ice, climate change |
Edward Blanchard-Wrigglesworth | Research assistant professor, Atmospheric Sciences | Sea ice in the Arctic and Antarctic oceans |
Paul Bodin | Research professor emeritus, Department of Earth & Space Sciences | Seismicity, seismic wave propagation and aftershock probabilities in the Pacific Northwest; earthquake sources; earthquake early warning system |
Ann Bostrom | Professor, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance | Risk perception, risk communication, and decision making under uncertainty |
Jody Bourgeois | Professor emerita, Department of Earth & Space Sciences | Global tsunamis, history of tsunamis generated by earthquakes and asteroid impact |
Trevor Branch | Associate professor, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences | Large whales — especially blue whales — and also minke and humpback whales, including studies estimating abundance, changes in population size over time, maps of occurrence, status and the separation of subspecies |
blue whales |
Rovy Branon | Vice provost, ÏãÃÛÓ°ÊÓ Continuum College | Contact Linnéa Mobrand-Volper to reach Rovy Branon: linneamv@uw.edu |
Online learning, learning technology development, fee-based degrees and certificate programs, instructional design |
certificate programs |
Alice Bravo | Director of Applied Behavior Analysis Program, Assistant Teaching Professor | applied behavior analysis, early childhood special education, early intervention, autism spectrum disorder |
education |
Philip Brock | Associate professor, Department of Economics | Brock studies development economics, financial economics, international finance and macroeconomics |
economics |
Sally Brown | Research associate professor, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences | Contaminated soils, risks, waste (compost municipal wastewater) soil amendments, carbon accounting |
Benjamin M. Brunjes | Assistant Professor, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance | American political institutions and processes; Public administration – bureaucracy, management, organization theory, ethics; and Public finance and procurement – budgeting, tax policy, government contracting |
Karin Bumbaco | Washington's deputy state climatologist, and research scientist, UW Climate Impacts Group | Past, current and future Washington weather trends. Washington snowfall and drought. Publishes the monthly newsletter on statewide trends and forecasts. |
heatwave |
Gerard Cangelosi | Professor, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences | Screening, self-sampling for TB and COVID19 and other infectious diseases, infectious disease emergence, occupational exposure, global health |
Beatriz (Bia) Carlini | Senior research scientist, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute | Tobacco cessation and brief interventions for substance use disorders using technology |
cannabis |
Emily Carrington | Professor, Biology | Marine organisms |
heatwave |
Joan Casey | Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences | environmental health, environmental justice, power outages, extreme heat, wildfires, climate change and health |
heat dome |
Manuel Castellote | Research scientist, UW Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean, & Ecosystem Studies | Whales’ vocal communication, echolocation and hearing; effects of noise on whales |
echolocation |
Angelica Chazaro | Assistant professor, School of Law | Immigration and refugee law and policy, provision of immigration legal services, immigrant rights movements, criminalization of immigrants, vulnerable immigrant populations |
immigration |
Cynthia Chen | Professor and Interim Chair, Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering and Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering | Using big data to infer people's travel patterns, biases in big data, creating urban adaptive systems and protecting communities against disruptions, post-COVID public transit system transformation, infrastructure and smart cities, engineering and health, transportation engineering, urban adaptable systems, human mobility pattern analysis |
natural disaster |
Shuyi Chen | Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences | Tropical meteorology, air-sea interactions, mesoscale dynamics, numerical modeling |
Sapna Cheryan | Professor, Department of Psychology | The role of cultural stereotypes in human behavior, gender stereotypes, immigration, race relations, women’s under-representation in computer science |
gender |
Jungwon Choi | Assistant professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering | Power electronics design, electric vehicle charging, wireless power transfer, energy storage. |
charging |
Martin Cohen | Teaching Professor and Assistant Chair, Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences | Workplace health and safety, COVID-19 mitigation, chemical and other exposures in the workplace |
Chris Coward | Senior principal research scientist, Information School | Incorporating research on misinformation into new information literacy guidelines and learning resources. |
disinformation |
Katherine Cross | Doctoral student, Information School | Social media, online harassment, shaming, video gaming, nerd and tech culture, ethics of information technology, technology ethics education |
Julia Yue Cui | Associate Professor, Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences | Toxicology, chemical hazards, children's health, microbiome, how early chemical exposures influence health |
Alison Cullen | Professor, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance | Risk analysis, environmental policy, wildfire risk and management |
policy |
Sara Curran | Professor, Jackson School of International Studies | Impacts of climate change on people in the developing world, immigration, migration |
climate change |
Lara Dalch | Instructor, Communication Leadership | Leadership development, adult learning content strategy and design, podcast development and production, communications, digital marketing, women's leadership |
Karam Dana | Associate professor, Middle East and Islamic Studies | Religious influence on political identity, political and civic engagement of Muslims in Western contexts, specifically the U.S., Middle East public opinion, how state-society relations are transforming the Middle East |
islam |
Katie Davis | Associate professor, Information School | Technology's role in child/adolescent development and wellbeing; adolescents' technology use, family and friend relationships, online school experiences, and mental health during the coronavirus pandemic |
facebook |
Cole DeForest | Associate professor, Department of Chemical Engineering and Department of Bioengineering | Biomaterials, tissue engineering, 3D printing, bioorthogonal chemistry, optogenetics, protein engineering, drug delivery, polymer chemistry, photochemistry |
cell biology |
Marine Denolle | Assistant professor, Earth and space sciences | Ground motions, seismic monitoring, machine learning with seismic data |
earthquakes |
Joyce Dinglasan-Panlilio | Associate professor, School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, UW Tacoma | Sources and fate of emerging organic contaminants, including PFCAs (perfluorinated carboxylic acids), PFCAs, PFOS and related human-made pollutants |
environment |
Nives Dolšak | Professor and director, School of Marine and Environmental Affairs | Climate change, policy, common pool resources |
InflationReductionAct |
David Domke | Professor, Department of Communication | Political leadership, news coverage and social change, particularly the dynamics of post-9/11 America |
communication |
Alison Duvall | Associate professor, Department of Earth & Space Sciences | Hillsides, river channels, landslide history in Washington and Oregon |
environment |
Marc Eberhard | Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering | Reinforced concrete behavior and design; Earthquake engineering; Bridge engineering; Rapid construction |
bridges |
Kristie Ebi | Professor, Department of Global Health and the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences | Health risks of and responses to global change, particularly climate change |
climate change |
Josephine Ensign | Professor, School of Nursing | Public health, health and homelessness, health and poverty, health policy, narrative medicine, public health nursing |
Nicole Errett | Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences | Development, implementation and health impacts of policies to build resilience in the context of public health emergencies, disasters and climate change |
Nadine Fabbi | Managing director, Canadian Studies Center/Arctic & International Relations | Arctic indigenous politics, Permanent Participants/Arctic Council, Inuit politics in Canada/globally |
arctic |
Mary Fan | Professor, School of Law | Criminal law and procedure, policing, prosecution, evidence |
congress |
Jeff Feldman | Professor of Practice, School of Law | Constitutional law, civil procedure, trial and appellate practice, criminal law and procedure, antitrust and class action litigation |
constitutional law |
Megan Ming Francis | Associate professor, Department of Political Science | American politics, race, the development of constitutional law, black political activism, the construction of rights and citizenship |
2020 election |
Jerry Franklin | Professor emeritus, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences | Forest ecology, landscape ecology, disturbances, old-growth and forest management |
Dargan Frierson | Associate professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences | Global precipitation and climate change, tropical regions and climate change, and climate solutions |
climate change |
Jon Froehlich | Associate professor, Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering | Urban accessibility, assistive technology, physical computing |
deaf |
Kai-Mei Fu | Professor, Department of Physics and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Quantum technologies, quantum networks, quantum sensors, quantum communication |
quantum computing |
T.J. Fudge | Assistant research professor, Earth and space sciences | Glaciers in Antarctica and Washington state |
glaciers |
Rachel Fyall | Associate professor, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance | Involvement of nonprofit organizations in advocacy, policy, and the delivery of public services, particularly within the context of housing and homelessness |
advocacy |
Alex Gagnon | Associate professor, School of Oceanography | Ocean acidification, corals |
acidification |
Stephen Gardiner | Professor, Department of Philosophy | Philosophical implications of geoengineering |
geoengineering |
Jim Gawel | Associate professor, Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Program, UW Tacoma | Transport of metal contaminants in terrestrial and aquatic systems, environmental chemistry, urban water management issues related to human influences |
chemistry |
Fabio Ghironi | Professor, Department of Economics | International macroeconomics, macroeconomics and monetary economics |
economics |
Sourojit Ghosh | Doctoral student, Human Centered Design & Engineering | AI, text-to-image generators, harmful AI outputs, stereotyping in AI |
artificial intelligence |
Deborah Giles | Killer whale researcher, Friday Harbor Laboratories | Marine mammals of the Salish Sea, killer whale health, physiology and diet; Southern Resident orcas; orca population dynamics and reproduction, conservation biology, Salish Sea ecosystem health |
biology |
David Ginger | Professor, Department of Chemistry | Next generation solar cells including perovskites, polymers and quantum dots; microscopic characterization of advanced materials for solar power, energy efficient lighting and energy storage materials |
efficient lighting |
Kate Glazko | Doctoral student, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering | Accessibility, generative AI, disability bias in AI, AI for accessibility |
accessibility |
Hilary Godwin | Dean, School of Public Health | Translating public health communications and projections for a general audience; insights into how to make good, evidence-based decisions in times of uncertainty |
Karen Fredriksen Goldsen | Professor, School of Social Work | Aging, well-being and longevity, intergenerational solutions to reduce social isolation, health disparities and resilience among LGBTQ+ people and other underserved communities |
aging |
Anne Goodchild | Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering | Freight transportation, E-commerce and online shopping, Urban Freight Home delivery, UAV or drone delivery, Goods movement, Sustainable freight transportation, Transportation logistics |
Steven Goodreau | Professor, Department of Anthropology | Infectious disease modeling, HIV, gay/bisexual men's health, pandemics in history |
Anthony Greenwald | Professor, Department of Psychology | Unconscious cognition, implicit bias, co-creator of the Implicit Association Test |
equity |
Mary Kay Gugerty | Professor, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance | Evaluation and impact measurement in the social sector; advocacy, accountability and voluntary regulation programs among nonprofit and NGOs; and health, agriculture and rural development in sub-Saharan Africa |
advocacy |
Kevin Haggerty | Professor, School of Social Work | Marijuana use and youth development; prevention programs at the community, school and family level; the intersection of biological and environmental risks for drug abuse |
cannabis |
Anjum Hajat | Associate professor, Department of Epidemiology | Air pollution (including from wildfires) impacts on disadvantaged populations, impacts of employment on health |
air quality |
Gregory Hakim | Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences | Weather and climate models |
modeling |
Crystal C. Hall | Associate professor, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance | Judgment and decision making, poverty and social welfare policy, and psychology and behavioral economics |
economics |
Alexes Harris | Professor, Department of Sociology | Deviance and social control, juvenile justice, race and ethnicity, social stratification/inequality |
ethnicity |
Dennis Hartmann | Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences | Global climate change |
climate change |
Brian Harvey | Associate professor, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences | Wildfires, climate, ecology, resource management, forest disturbances |
Rachel Heath | Associate professor, Department of Economics | Development economics, with a particular focus on gender and labor markets |
economics |
Jeffrey Heer | Professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering | Data visualization; human-computer interaction; the perceptual, cognitive and social factors involved in making sense of data, resulting in new interactive systems for visual analysis and communication |
computer science |
Christie Hegermiller | Assistant professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering | Ocean waves, coastal change (erosion and accretion), coastal flooding (chronic and acute), coastal sand transport |
hurricanes |
Dr. Jeremy Hess | Professor, School of Medicine and Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences | Climate change health impacts, health care disaster risk management, public health adaptation to climate change, health effects of heat exposure, early warning systems |
climate change |
Heather Hill | Associate professor, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance | Effects of poverty and low-wage work on families and children |
Hugh Hillhouse | Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering | Conversion of sunlight into electricity; current solar cell technology (Silicon, CdTe, CIGS, tandems); next generation printable solar cells based on earth abundant materials and hybrid perovskites; conversion of chemical fuels into electricity |
solar |
Shana Hirsch | Research scientist, Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering | Marine renewable energy |
climate change |
Anne Hirsch | Associate professor, School of Nursing | Nursing education |
Rodney JY Ho | Professor, School of Pharmacy | Anti-viral and COVID-19 drugs, HIV and cancer drug development, experimental treatment and prevention, global drug access, clinical virology, drug repurposing, translational medicine, mentoring medical scientists for research, developing products for medical impact |
Jennifer Lee Hoffman | Professor, College of Education | College athletics leadership; College athletics policy (i.e., conference realignment, athlete pay, gender equity); College esports; NCAA and sports governance; Title IX |
Anna Lauren Hoffmann | Assistant professor, Information School | Data ethics; Data and Society; Data, Fairness, and Discrimination |
Paula Holmes-Eber | Affiliate professor, Jackson School of International Studies | Culture and conflict in the Middle East, women and Islam, women and war in the Middle East, sectarianism and ethnic identity in the Middle East, U.S. military in Afghanistan and Iraq, new media/Internet and culture change, Arab spring |
Afghanistan |
Meredith Honig | Professor, College of Education | School district central office policy and leadership; Teaching, learning, and equity; Teacher quality and diversity |
education |
Meredith Honig | Professor, College of Education | School district decision-making |
education |
Bill Howe | Associate professor, Information School | Scientific databases, data-intensive scalable computing, visualization, web services, cloud computing, citizen science |
citizen science |
Betina Hsieh | Professor of Teacher Education | Teacher Education/ Teacher preparation; Teacher recruitment, retention & attrition; Teachers of Color/ Disparities in (Racial) Representation between K-12 teachers and students; Asian Americans in Education |
education |
Rania Hussein | Associate teaching professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering | Embedded Systems, digital twinning, digital design with integrated circuits, remote experimentation, medical image analysis, internet of things, disruptive technologies for educational solutions, equitable access in engineering education, inclusive pedagogy, equitable and Inclusive policies in education, workforce development, STEM outreach and engagement, industry partnerships, under-represented minorities in STEM, women in engineering, Muslims in higher education |
Alex Hutko | Research seismologist, Pacific Northwest Seismic Network | ShakeAlert earthquake early warning, regional earthquake monitoring, global seismology, large earthquakes |
earthquakes |
Horacio de la Iglesia | Professor, Department of Biology | circadian rhythms, biological clocks, human sleep |
daylight saving time |
Tania Busch Isaksen | Teaching Professor, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences | Safe workplaces, clean air, public health outcomes associated with extreme heat and wildfire smoke exposures, risk communication methods, climate change-related public health adaptation planning and response, sustainable materials management |
air quality |
Ann Ishimaru | Associate professor, College of Education | educational equity, families and education, educational leadership and systems change, school-community relations, community organizing |
education |
Vikram Iyer | Assistant professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering | Internet of things, wireless communication, wildlife tracking, bio-hybrid systems, miniaturized robots and sensors, battery-free devices and power harvesting |
beetles |
Yael Jacobs | Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Economics | Applied microeconomics, labor economics, industrial organization and game theory |
Dan Jaffe | Professor and chair, Physical Sciences Division, UW Bothell | Particles in wildfire smoke, particle transport, wildfire plumes, air quality, atmospheric chemistry |
air quality |
Tyler Jimenez | Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology | Native American psychology; prejudice; racial inequality; policing and police militarization |
psychology |
Kathleen Johnson | Affiliate Instructor, School of Nursing | School nursing at the local, state and national level |
Susan Joslyn | Associate professor, Department of Psychology | Decision-making, risk communication |
Ian Joughin | Glaciologist, Applied Physics Laboratory | Glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica, global sea-level rise |
Antarctica |
Baptiste Journaux | Acting assitant professor, Earth and space sciences | Space exploration, icy moons, water and habitability of other planets |
exoplanets |
Bettina Judd | Associate Professor, Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies | medical racism and its history, history of gynecology, Black feminist thought |
Abortion |
Peter Kahn | Professor, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences and Department of Psychology | Nature's effects on health; using technology to simulate nature's benefits |
Jonathan Kanter | Research associate professor, Department of Psychology | Mental health consequences of the crisis and how to cope (especially stress and depression); social distancing, isolation, and the importance of staying connected; xenophobia and prejudice during the crisis |
psychology |
Dr. Catherine Karr | Professor, School of Medicine and Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences | Pediatric environmental health, air pollution, asthma, pesticides, global children’s environmental health, farmworker health |
ReÅŸat Kasaba | Professor, Jackson School of International Studies | State-society relations in the Middle East from a historical perspective, Turkey |
middle east |
Lynn Katz | Research professor, Department of Psychology | Parenting; marital/couple relationships |
Aaron B. Katz | Principal lecturer emeritus, Department of Health Systems & Population Health | Health care policy, public health policy, health care markets, health insurance markets, health care safety net, health care reform, Medicaid, ACA, global health policy, global AIDS policy |
rvw |
Dr. Joel Kaufman | Professor, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences and School of Medicine | Environmental and occupational epidemiology, health effects of diesel exhaust exposures, environmental factors in cardiovascular and respiratory disease, traffic-related air pollution, environmental health |
Rick Keil | Professor, School of Oceanography | Organic matter in aquatic environments, water quality, water testing |
water quality |
Deborah Kelley | Professor, School of Oceanography | Underwater volcanoes, hydrothermal vents, cabled deep-sea observatories |
volcanoes |
Megan Kennedy | Director, Resilience Lab | Systems-based approaches to addressing college student mental health and well-being; social and emotional learning in higher education |
mental health |
Maureen Kennedy | Associate professor, School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, UW Tacoma | General regional wildfire issues, wildfire ecology, wildfire science, wildfire severity, strategies to reduce wildfire fuels, reducing fire hazards and impacts on wildlife and homes. |
forest fire |
Os Keyes | Doctoral student, Human Centered Design & Engineering | Gender, disability, artificial intelligence, data ethics, facial recognition, medical AI |
ethics |
Julie Kientz | Professor, Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering | families, kids and technology; consumer health technologies; human-centered design; families using technology to navigate home-based learning during COVID-19 pandemic |
family |
Jason Kilmer | Associate professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences | Evaluating prevention and intervention efforts for alcohol, cannabis/marijuana, and other drug use by college students |
alcohol |
Wes Eli King | Assistant teaching professor, Information School | AI and religion, religion and gender, internet dating for LGBTQ+ Christians, what it means to be human in relation to AI |
artificial intelligence |
Sharon Kioko | Associate professor, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance | Public finance (US states/local governments), tax policy, voter referendum and tax limitations, education finance (K-12), infrastructure finance/debt management |
Daniel Kirschen | Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering | Smart grids, integration of renewable energy, power system economics, power system security, blackouts, electricity grid |
brown out |
Marieka Klawitter | Professor, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance | Family and employment policy, gender, policy analysis, LGBTQ policy and savings and asset-building for low-income families |
family |
Terrie Klinger | Professor, School of Marine and Environmental Affairs | Managing natural resources in the ocean; ecological effects of environmental stressors, such as ocean acidification and habitat loss; how rocky intertidal communities respond to and recover from disturbance |
acidification |
David Knight | Associate Professor of Education Finance and Policy | school finance, educator labor markets, cost of education, equitable resource allocation, efficiency in education, enrollment decline, charter schools/vouchers, school choice |
education |
John Koenig | Lecturer, Center for West European Studies | European security, transatlantic relations and the Cyprus problem |
Ukraine |
Pang Wei Koh | Assistant professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering | Machine learning, natural language processing |
artificial intelligence |
David Kohlbrenner | Assistant professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering | Security and privacy (computers, computer hardware, web browsers, internet-of-things), computer security competitions (e.g. Capture the Flag, DEFCON) |
hacking |
Ed Kolodziej | Associate professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering | Water quality and organic contaminants in natural and engineered systems, particularly in urban environments and roadway runoff |
contaminant removal |
Gregory Korshin | Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering | Corrosion, release of heavy metals (lead, copper) in drinking water and other water contaminants |
Meade Krosby | Senior scientist, Climate Impacts Group | Climate change, climate adaptation, conservation |
heatwave |
Ramya Kumar | Doctoral candidate, Department of Epidemiology | global health, HIV and sexually transmitted infections, emerging infectious diseases, stigma in public health, climate change and health |
Africa |
Patricia Kuszler | Professor, School of Law | health law, including reproductive rights, vaccines and medical malpractice; bioethics |
Abortion |
Kristin Laidre | Associate professor, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences | Arctic marine mammals (polar bears, narwhals, bowhead whales, belugas) as well as baleen whales (humpbacks and fin whales) |
beluga |
Joshua Lawler | Professor, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences | Nature’s health benefits, and the effectiveness of programs and policies designed to take advantage of those benefits. Director of UW's Nature and Health Initiative. |
Ed Lazowska | Professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering | Techniques and technologies of data-intensive discovery; information technology and public policy; design, implementation and analysis of high-performance computing and communications systems. |
Randy LeVeque | Professor emeritus, Department of Applied Mathematics | Modeling tsunamis and other geohazards in the Pacific Northwest |
math |
Su-In Lee | Professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering | Machine learning and data science, explainable AI (or interpretable machine learning), computational biology, clinical AI |
health care |
Christine Lee | Research professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences | Marijuana and young adults, high-risk behavior, alcohol, prevention, intervention |
alcohol |
Dawn Lehman | Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering | Concrete bridges, composite construction, concrete frames, concrete walls and structural steel braced frames |
concrete |
Scott Lemieux | Assistant teaching professor, Department of Political Science | Supreme Court, Electoral College, elections, impeachment, politics |
2020 election |
Liliana Lengua | Professor, Department of Psychology | Children's resilience in economic disadvantage and adversity; children’s social, emotional and academic competence in the face of adversity |
Karen Levy | Professor, Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences | Ecology and epidemiology of food- and waterborne diseases, water quality, food safety, infectious diseases, the impact of climate and land use change on the transmission of diarrheal diseases |
La TaSha Levy | Assistant professor, Department of American Ethnic Studies | African American history, race and ethnicity, social justice, social change movements |
ethnicity |
James Lin | Assistant professor, Jackson School of International Studies | Taiwan, U.S.-Taiwan relations, Taiwan-China relations, Taiwan society and politics |
Taryn Lindhorst | Professor, School of Social Work | Grief/loss, death and dying, cancer, domestic violence, international child abduction |
Shan Liu | Associate professor, Industrial & Systems Engineering | Healthcare modeling and decision analytics; optimization applied to medical decision making, public health policy and resource allocation problems; technology assessment and evaluation, cost-effectiveness analysis |
health care |
Clark Lombardi | Professor, School of Law | Islamic law, constitutional law, religion and the law |
federal courts |
Mark Long | Professor, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance | Policies that affect transitions from high school to college to the labor market |
economics |
James D. Long | Associate professor, Department of Political Science | Elections in fragile and developing countries, voting behavior and turnout, election fraud, corruption, electoral violence, Afghanistan, Africa |
2020 election |
Gabriel Lotto | ShakeAlert User Engagement Facilitator, Pacific Northwest Seismic Network | ShakeAlert earthquake early warning system; tsunamis; subduction zone earthquakes |
George Lovell | Professor, Department of Political Science | American political institutions, political development, social movements and constitutional theory |
constitution |
Laura Lowes | Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering | Reinforced concrete structures, seismic design of concrete structures, retrofit of structures to improve earthquake resilience, simulation of earthquake response of structures |
Turkey-Syria Earthquake |
Jessica Lundquist | Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering | Mountain snow, snow melt and streams |
Parker MacCready | Professor, School of Oceanography | Modeling of ocean circulation; chemistry and biological properties in the Salish Sea and coastal waters of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia |
algae |
Don MacKenzie | Associate professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering | Electric vehicles, shared use transportation services, energy use in transportation sector |
bike shares |
Devin MacKenzie | Associate professor, Department of Materials Sciences & Engineering and Department of Mechanical Engineering | Scale-up and applications of printed electronics and emerging thin film electronic material such as solar materials and energy storage devices |
clean energy |
Eric Madfis | Associate Professor, UW Tacoma School of Social Work & Criminal Justice | causes and prevention of school violence, mass murder |
crime |
LucÃa Magis-Weinberg | Assistant professor, Department of Psychology | Social media and adolescent development and mental health; adolescent mental health during the pandemic; adolescent media use in Latin America; collaborating with schools to promote digital citizenship |
adolescence |
Steve Malone | Research professor emeritus, Department of Earth & Space Sciences | Regional earthquake and volcanic hazards; helped to monitor and study the first major modern eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980. |
earthquakes |
Lisa Manheim | Associate professor, School of Law | election law, disputed elections, constitutional law, presidential power, Supreme Court, federal courts |
2020 election |
Jennifer Mankoff | Professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering | Accessibility for people with disabilities of all sorts, especially with regard to 3D printing and machine learning; lived experience of disability in academia |
accessibility |
Charles Marcus | Professor, Department of Materials Science & Engineering and Department of Physics | Experimental condensed matter physics, quantum coherent electronics, quantum matter, qubits, quantum chaos, complexity, topology in condensed matter |
Laurie Marhoefer | Associate professor, Department of History | Gender, sexuality and LGBT/queer politics in the 20th century United States and Europe, and German electoral politics in the 1920s |
antifa |
Julian Marshall | Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering | Models and measurements of people's exposure to air pollution, investigating ways to reduce exposures, environmental justice and disparities in exposure, exposures in the United States and in low-income countries |
air pollution |
Cliff Mass | Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences | Weather prediction and modeling |
snow |
Guillaume Mauger | Washington's state climatologist and research scientist, UW Climate Impacts Group | Recent and historical weather trends across Washington state, as well as climate impacts and adaptation |
Michael McCarthy | Research associate professor, Earth and space sciences | Lightning, space weather, aurorae, radiation belts and sprites (upper-atmosphere electrical discharges) |
astronomy |
Monica McLemore | Professor and Interim Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, School of Nursing | reproductive rights and justice, birth equity, maternal health, anti-racism in healthcare |
Abortion |
Lynn McMurdie | Research associate professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences | Weather, thunderstorms, storms over mountain ranges |
snow |
Victor Menaldo | Professor, Department of Political Science | Political economy of natural resources and property rights, including intellectual property rights, and regime change |
economy |
Scott Meschke | Professor, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences | Detection and control of pathogens in air, water, food and on surfaces; environmental surveillance to detect COVID-19, polio, antimicrobial resistance |
Lucas Meza | Assistant professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering | Nanofabrication, nanomechanics, nanomaterials, lithography, additive manufacturing/3D printing, digital design, composites, bioinspired materials, architected materials, metamaterials |
buckling |
Ian Miller | Coastal hazards specialist, Washington Sea Grant | Coastal issues in Washington, including: climate change and sea level rise; coastal flooding; marine debris; tsunamis; and beach erosion |
peninsula |
Niloofar Mireshghallah | Postdoctoral scholar, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering | Privacy, generative AI, policy, natural language processing |
AI |
Kristen Missall | Professor, College of Education | early skill development, school readiness, school transition and early school adjustment for ages 3-8; director of the School Psychology Program |
education |
Sajjad Moazeni | Assistant professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering | Data center and cloud architecture, networking and interconnects for AI and machine learning supercomputing, optical interconnect, optical sensing and imaging, electronic and photonic integrated chip design, industry consulting |
big data |
Michelle Montgomery | Associate professor, School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, UW Tacoma | Climate justice, Indigenous identities and climate change, environmental ethics |
climate change |
Scott Montgomery | Lecturer, Jackson School of International Studies | Arctic and oil, oil and gas (reserves, technology, prices, politics), fracking, nuclear power, worked 25 years in the energy industry |
arctic |
David Montgomery | Professor, Department of Earth & Space Sciences | Dirt formation, transport, movement, geology, soil health |
dirt |
Sue Moore | Research scientist, Center for Ecosystem Sentinels | Ecology, bio-acoustics and natural history of whales and dolphins; emphasis on marine mammals in the Pacific Arctic region |
bio-acoustics |
Kristi Morgansen | Professor and Chair, Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics | Aerospace engineering, bioinspired sensing and control, sensor networks, remote sensing |
Sara Mouradian | Assistant professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering | Quantum technologies, quantum sensing, quantum computing, trapped ion technologies, solid-state quantum technologies, optics, photonics |
Steve Muench | Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering | Infrastructure construction (bridges, roads, dams, etc.), Transportation infrastructure sustainability, Sustainability rating systems, Roads and pavements |
Sarah B. Munro | Assistant Professor, Health Systems and Population Health; Affiliate Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia (Canada) | Contraception and abortion, shared decision making, patient decision aids, access to care, community-based research, health equity |
Abortion |
Sean Munson | Professor, Human Centered Design & Engineering | Consumer health technologies, health-tracking technologies, patient-generated health data, human-centered design, design and mental health |
exercise |
Michelle Muth | Assistant professor, Earth and space sciences | Volcanoes in the Pacific Northwest, the chemistry of volcanoes |
volcanoes |
Rebecca Neumann | Associate professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering | Arsenic and other metal contamination in groundwater; plants and contamination; climate change; water quality/storm water; and food quality |
Jan Newton | Oceanographer, UW Applied Physics Laboratory | Ocean observing, ocean acidification and phytoplankton in Puget Sound and Pacific Northwest waters |
heatwave |
Xuan-Thao Nguyen | Professor, School of Law | Cryptocurrency (NFTs, class action litigation, payments, blockchain games); intellectual property (trademarks, brands, copyrights, patents, licensing; IP financing and taxation); venture capital (venture debt, shareholder litigation); ESG/Environmental Social Governance (stakeholder capitalism metrics, compliance) |
cryptocurrency |
Randy Nichols | Associate professor, Department of Communication | Media/communication industries, video game industry, media/communication policy, emerging media technologies, video game labor, media/communication labor |
Peter Nicolas | Professor, School of Law | LGBTQ issues, civil rights, affirmative action, constitutional law, music law, First Amendment issues |
affirmative action |
Ayokunle Olanrewaju | Assistant professor, Mechanical Engineering; Bioengineering | Diagnostics for infectious diseases, portable and miniaturized devices, |
Yoshitaka Ota | Professor of practice, Marine and environmental affairs, and Director, Ocean Nexus Center | Ocean governance, ocean equity, marine plastics |
environmental justice |
Jennifer Otten | Associate Professor, Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences | Nutrition policy, food production, food waste, food security and access for vulnerable populations |
Dennis O’Dea | Senior lecturer, Department of Economics | Public economies, social networks and applied macroeconomics |
economics |
Margaret O’Mara | Professor, Department of History | Tech history and tech regulation, American presidents and American politics, work and workers, past and future of cities |
2020 election |
Soojin Oh Park | Assistant professor, College of Education | Early childhood development, parenting, race and income equity, immigrant-origin children, family engagement |
education |
Katy Pearce | Associate Professor, Department of Communication | technology and social media in authoritarian states |
social |
Diana Pearce | Senior lecturer, School of Social Work | Income inequality |
coronavirus |
Saadia Pekkanen | Professor, Jackson School of International Studies | Space law, space security, space policy, space diplomacy, Small-Satellites-Big Data (SSBD) |
Noam Pianko | Director, Stroum Center for Jewish Studies | History of Israel; modern Jewish history; Zionism; American Judaism |
Carolyn Pinedo-Turnovsky | Associate professor, Department of American Ethnic Studies | Immigration and citizenship, Latinx studies, race relations, labor, illegality and the everyday experiences of societal membership as undocumented migrants and members of mixed-status families |
citizenship |
Robert Plotnick | Professor emeritus, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance | American poverty, income inequality, income support policy and social policy issues |
economics |
Brian Polagye | Associate professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering | Marine renewable energy (wave, tidal, riverine and offshore wind) |
Matthew J. Powers | Associate Professor, Department of Communication | Media |
2020 election |
Aseem Prakash | Professor, Department of Political Science | Environmental policy, climate governance, NGOs and nonprofits, and voluntary/private regulation |
2020 election |
Terry Price | Affiliate Instructor, School of Law | family law, health law, LGBTQ rights |
Election 2024 |
Susan Prichard | Fire ecologist, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences | Wildfire ecology, climate change and fire, wildfire management, fuel treatment effectiveness, dry forest restoration, changing landscapes (legacies of fire exclusion, recent wildfires and climate change). |
climate change |
Dr. Peter Rabinowitz | Professor, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences | Emerging infectious diseases, zoonotic infectious diseases, One Health |
Scott Radnitz | Associate professor, Jackson School of International Studies | Post-Soviet region, protests, authoritarianism, Eurasia, Russia |
Ukraine |
Adrian Raftery | Professor, Department of Statistics, Department of Sociology | Interpreting COVID-19 data, understanding different COVID-19 data sources and statistics |
COVID-19 |
Anis Rahman | Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Communication | US-China communication geopolitics, South Asian cultures, media in hybrid regimes, Chinese Belt & Road Initiative in South Asia |
Anita Ramasastry | Professor, School of Law | International law; human rights; corruption/money laundering; business dealings with and sanctions against Russia; supply chains; business and contract issues |
Ukraine |
Jessica Ray | Assistant professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering | Contaminants in stormwater; current green stormwater infrastructure and best management practices; reactive media that can increase contaminant removal; sources of PFAS in water; PFAS properties; current treatment processes for PFAS in water |
forever chemicals |
Crystal Raymond | Deputy director, Western Fire and Forest Resilience Collaborative, and Research scientist, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences | Wildfire, fire and climate change, forest resilience, forest management |
forest fire |
Arjee Restar | Assistant Professor, Epidemiology | Reproductive health, Transgender health, Health policy, Epidemiology, Social determinants of health |
Abortion |
Mouse Reusch | Regional ShakeAlert coordinator, Pacific Northwest Seismic Network | Pacific Northwest earthquakes, seismic risk, ShakeAlert earthquake early warning system |
earthquakes |
Taylor Riley | Doctoral Student, Epidemiology | Sexual and reproductive health and rights, perinatal health care, social determinants of health |
Abortion |
Marilyn Roberts | Professor Emeritus, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences | Contamination and disinfection in the environment and on surfaces |
Jenny Robinson | Assistant professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine | Tissue regeneration after sports injury, biomaterials for regeneration, sex differences in sports injury and regeneration, cartilage and fibrocartilage biology |
diversity in STEM |
Charles Roeder | Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering | Gusset plates and steel bracing frames; seismic behavior of steel and composite structures; fatigue of steel structures; temperature effects in structures; movements in bridges; bridge bearings and expansion joints |
bridges |
Franziska Roesner | Associate professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering | Computer security and privacy, online mis/disinformation, online advertising and tracking |
2020 election |
Roger Roffman | Professor emeritus, School of Social Work | Behavioral interventions in the fields of addicted disorders and domestic violence |
addiction |
Matt Rogers | Research scientist, UW Climate Impacts Group | Local climate impacts across Washington state |
climate |
Jennie Romich | Associate professor, School of Social Work | Poverty, government policies to address inequities |
income |
Julie Rorrer | Assistant professor, Department of Chemical Engineering | Sustainable chemistry, chemical recycling of waste plastics, biofuels, reaction engineering |
catalyst |
Elaina Rose | Associate professor, Department of Economics | Labor economics, development economics and applied microeconomics |
economics |
Dr. Ali Rowhani-Rahbar | Professor, Department of Epidemiology | Violence prevention, with a focus on reducing firearm-related harm |
epidemiology |
Chris Rudell | Associate professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering | Wireless communication systems; integrated circuit design, particularly in CMOS technology; analog, mixed-signal, radio- and high-frequency millimeter wave circuit design; integrated neural interfaces; all-CMOS integrated Positron Emission Tomography front-end readout electronics; biomedical integrated circuits |
5G |
Adrienne Russell | Mary Laird Wood Professor of Communication | Communications and media |
activism |
Dr. Coralynn Sack | Assistant Professor , Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences and School of Medicine | Environmental and occupational lung disease, health effects of air pollution and wildfire smoke, occupational exposures in cannabis workers |
air quality |
Eric Salathé | Associate professor, School of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics, UW Bothell | Pacific Northwest climate change, extreme weather events |
climate change |
Kira Schabram | Assistant professor, Foster School of Business; Evert McCabe endowed fellow in private enterprise | Employee sustainability, meaningful work, compassion at work, the future of work, burnout |
Ilene Schwartz | Professor, College of Education | special education, inclusion, behavorial interventions, autism |
education |
Pepper Schwartz | Professor, Department of Sociology | Sexuality, marriage, cohabitation, gender, women’s issues, parent and child issues, communication between men and women in intimate and work relationships |
communication |
Dan Schwartz | Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering | Clean energy research, Washington Clean Energy test-beds, energy storage, accelerating global clean energy development and integration |
clean energy |
Axel Schweiger | Polar scientist, UW Applied Physics Laboratory | Sea ice volume, Arctic weather, polar science |
arctic |
Edmund Seto | Professor, Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences | Health effects of air pollution and noise exposures, use of emerging technologies to evaluate exposures to environmental and workplace hazards |
Chirag Shah | Professor, Information School | misinformation and search engines, search and recommender systems, machine learning, artificial intelligence |
AI |
Nancy Simcox | Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences | Use of cleaners and disinfectants in the workplace, green cleaning, and transitioning to safer chemicals |
Kate Simonen | Assistant professor, Department of Architecture | High-performance building systems and environmental life cycle assessment of buildings, explaining engineering concepts to non-technical audiences |
architecture |
Christopher Simpson | Professor and Assistant Chair, Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences | Workplace health and safety, assessment of exposure to toxic chemicals, cannabis worker health and safety |
Mark Smith | Professor, Department of Political Science | Public opinion, interest groups, political communication, political economy and public policy |
2020 election |
Dr. June Spector | Associate professor, Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences | Heat exposure and other climate-related hazards in working populations |
heatwave |
Emma Spiro | Associate professor, Information School | misinformation in social media, including disaster and crisis events; information flow; social behavior and social interaction; collective sensemaking; attention dynamics; role of emergency responders; and computational and data science methods. |
Hugh Spitzer | Professor, School of Law | Constitutional law, federalism, legal ethics and professional responsibility, state and local government law, comparative constitutionalism |
politics and democracy |
John Stanton | Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering | General bridge knowledge; earthquake engineering, including seismic isolation; precast and pre-stressed concrete structures; concrete bridges |
bridges |
Eric Steig | Professor, Department of Earth and Space Sciences | Antarctic glaciers, Antarctic ice cores, El Niño cycles |
Antarctica |
Nephi Stella | Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences | Marijuana and neuropathologies, multiple sclerosis |
marijuana |
Kristi Straus | Associate director, Program on the Environment | Sustainability, personal choices, sustainable behavior |
Stuart Streichler | Affiliate associate professor, Law, Societies and Justice Program | Presidential campaigns, law, Supreme Court, constitutional law, law and race |
Election 2024 |
Jennifer Stuber | Associate professor, School of Social Work | Suicide prevention, mental health policy, social justice, stigma and discrimination, health disparities among vulnerable populations |
discrimination |
Huatong Sun | Associate professor, School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, UW Tacoma | Innovation and design for social media & technology across the globe; inclusivity and social justice concerning cross-cultural, multicultural, and global design; cultural sensitive design |
Abigail Swann | Associate professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences and Department of Biology | Vegetation and global climate |
biology |
Dr. Pooja Tandon | Associate professor, Department of Pediatrics and Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences | Strategies for play and exercise for children during COVID-19 restrictions. Research is on preventing childhood obesity and the connection between outdoor play, physical activity and various health and development outcomes in preschool-age children. |
Riki Thompson | Associate Professor, Writing Studies & Digital Rhetoric at UW Tacoma | Intersections of language, technology, identity, and interpersonal connectivity with a focus on how people negotiate digital spaces to connect with (and exclude) others |
digital communication |
LuAnne Thompson | Professor, School of Oceanography | The ocean's role in climate variability and change, marine heatwaves, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation |
climate |
Jim Thomson | Principal oceanographer, UW Applied Physics Laboratory | Waves, wave hazards in the Arctic Ocean, tidal and wave energy |
arctic |
Joel Thornton | Professor and chair, Department of Atmospheric Sciences | Tracking wildfire smoke impacts on air quality and climate, detecting emissions |
Rebecca Thorpe | Associate professor, Department of Political Science | United States political institutions, political development, state violence, the national security state, criminal justice system |
Afghanistan |
Harold Tobin | Professor, Department of Earth & Space Sciences, and Washington's state seismologist | Earthquakes, Cascadia subduction zone, ShakeAlert earthquake early warning system, global plate tectonics |
Cascadia |
Maya Tolstoy | Dean, UW College of the Environment | Marine geophysics; seafloor earthquakes and volcanoes; academic inclusion; environmental sustainability |
InflationReductionAct |
Timeka N. Tounsel | Associate professor of Black studies, Department of Communication | Black/African American culture, television, race & media, gender & media, Black feminism/womanism, digital media, ethnic marketing |
Christopher Tounsel | Associate Professor, Department of History | Sudan, South Sudan |
Kathy Troost | Associate teaching professor, Department of Earth & Space Sciences | Landslides, Seattle geology, Puget Lowland geology, geologic hazard mapping |
Yulia Tsvetkov | Associate professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering | Natural language processing, ethics and AI, computational social science, multilingual natural language processing, large language models |
artificial intelligence |
Ka-Kit Tung | Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics | Modeling COVID-19 outbreaks, projecting public health impact, comparing different types of modeling approaches |
Alex Turner | Assistant professor, Atmospheric Sciences | Methane: Natural and human sources, history, and statistical modeling |
methane |
Stephen Turnovsky | Professor, Department of Economics | Economic growth, macroeconomics and international macroeconomics and public economies |
economics |
Aniruddh Vashisth | Assistant professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering | Fiber composites, nanocomposites, rapid manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, mechanics of materials, material synthesis |
carbon fiber |
Jacob Vigdor | Professor, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance | Immigration policy, racial and economic inequality, minimum wage |
economics |
Denise Walker | Research associate professor, School of Social Work | Development, testing and implementation of interventions that bring about positive changes in patterns of behavior; treatment of marijuana disorders in both adolescents and adults |
Melanie Walsh | Assistant teaching professor, Information School | Social media, data about culture (books, art, etc.), ethics of data and data collection, AI art and writing, large language models, digital humanities, contemporary reading and readers, programming for non-computational audiences |
Camille Walsh | Associate professor, School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell | Immigration law |
immigration |
Chun Wang | Professor, College of Education | AI for measurement, psychometrics, large-scale national and international educational surveys |
artificial intelligence |
Yinhai Wang | Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering, and director, Washington State Transportation Center | Transportation safety, traffic sensing, smart infrastructure and mobility, connected and automated vehicles, traffic operations, smart cities, artificial intelligence methods and applications |
artificial intelligence |
Mark Ward | Lecturer, Jackson School of International Studies | Humanitarian emergencies & natural/man-made disasters; public-private partnerships in disaster response |
Turkey-Syria Earthquake |
Joseph Wartman | Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering | Natural hazards, disasters, landslides |
landslides |
Allison Webel | Professor, School of Nursing | HIV and aging, healthy aging, physical activity and aging, and living with HIV |
aging |
Stacey Wedlake | Research scientist, Information School | Digital equity, digital inequalities, digital divides, adult digital literacy — mostly focused in the United States |
Alys Eve Weinbaum | Professor, English; Adjunct Professor, Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies; Affiliated Faculty, Comparative History of Ideas | Reproductive politics and cultures, reproductive rights and justice; feminist studies and gender studies; critical race theory; Black Studies; Marxism and marxist literary criticism; African American literature; modern transatlantic literature and culture |
politics and democracy |
Carolyn West | Professor of Clinical Psychology, UW Tacoma School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences | Domestic violence; sexual assault; sexual harassment; reproductive health and abortion; racism in media images and pornography; psychology of Black women; mental health |
Reproductive rights |
Jevin West | Associate professor, Information School | Misinformation, evolution of science, the models and science used to predict the spread of COVID-19 |
disinformation |
William Wilcock | Professor, School of Oceanography | Marine geology, monitoring seafloor earthquakes, Cascadia subduction zone |
Cascadia |
John Wilkerson | Professor, Department of Political Science | Legislative organization and decision-making, health politics, comparative legislative studies |
Election 2024 |
Daniela Witten | Professor, Department of Biostatistics; Department of Statistics | Machine learning for big data, with applications to genomics, neuroscience, and other fields |
Jacob O. Wobbrock | Professor, The Information School | Human-computer interaction (HCI), user interface technology, user interface design, input/interaction techniques (e.g., touch, gesture, voice), mobile and wearable technology, accessible computing, assistive technology for people with disabilities, technology entrepreneurship |
accessibility |
Kathleen Wolf | Research social scientist, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences | Nature-based human health, environmental health, environmental psychology, urban ecosystems, urban forestry, urban planning, green schoolyards |
Rob Wood | Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences | Clouds, marine brightening, climate change, climate variability |
climate |
Rebecca Woodgate | Associate professor, School of Oceanography | Arctic Ocean environment, especially in the Bering Strait and Chukchi Sea |
arctic |
Jie Xiao | Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering | Electrochemical energy storage, batteries for electric vehicles and grid energy storage, energy manufacturing |
Paul Yager | Professor, Department of Bioengineering | Microfluidics, bioassay development for detection of pathogens and assays for biomarkers of human health, home diagnostics and point-of-care diagnostics development, biophysics. |
bacteria |
Jinkyu "JK" Yang | Associate professor, Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics | metamaterials, composites, origami-inspired material/structure design |
Ekin Yasin | Director of Communication Leadership Program, Teaching Professor | Leadership for AI, AI and communications, future of work, role of communication at organizations, responsive leadership during crisis, changes in the tech industry, social impact, communication for emerging tech |
Jason Yip | Associate professor, Information School | Technology use among children and families in homes, schools, and communities; digital gaming; education technology; designing with children |
education |
Michael Yost | Professor and chair, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences | Agricultural safety and health, ambient air pollutants, children’s health, climate change, diesel exhaust, pesticides, noise, vibration exposure |
coronavirus |
Amy Zhang | Assistant professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering | Human-computer interaction, social computing, social media, online communities, misinformation, online harassment, remote work, online collaboration, collective action, content moderation |
Navid Zobeiry | Assistant professor, Department of Materials Science & Engineering | Composite materials, materials science, aerospace materials, aerospace manufacturing, AI and machine learning, failure of materials |
airplanes |